
A healthier planet

starts on the Atlantic coast.

Join us as we work toward a better world and make discoveries that will transform our tomorrow.

Our location makes us ground zero for the biggest issues facing our natural environment. And with strategic, dedicated environmental initiatives, we’re well poised to solve global issues right here on the Atlantic coast. But we can’t do it without you.

Built the world's
ocean energy turbines for offshore testing
FAU scientists were the
to successfully repopulate a damaged coral reef, with sea fans that were raised in captivity
several manatee swimming

Featured Story

New AI Method Counts Manatee Clusters in Real Time

The Florida Manatee, considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, remains at risk of population decline. A vital conservation effort includes accurately counting manatee groups to observe their habits. With this information, scientists can offer guidance on safety regulations for boaters and divers. However, accurate counts present significant challenges. For instance, manatees frequently graze in herds for up to eight hours daily in shallow waters, which can obstruct researchers’ visibility, especially when viewed from the water's surface. Consequently, smaller manatees may be obscured from view. Additionally, visibility can be hindered by water reflections, in which manatees may appear invisible against surface reflection, or are mistaken for rocks or branches.

Though aerial survey data have been used to count manatees, it’s costly, time-consuming, and affected by observer bias, weather conditions and time of day. Pioneering a low-cost solution, the College of Engineering and Computer Science is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI). Using deep learning-based crowd counting, researchers can automatically count manatee numbers in a specified region by capturing images from CCTV cameras. This innovative study tackles the technical challenges of counting in complex outdoor environments and offers potential strategies to aid endangered species conservation.

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Improving human health.

From discovering cures to preventing illnesses, our research is exploring the ways that natural resources can elevate our well-being and uncover the impacts that changing environmental conditions have on our health.

Protecting our ecosystems and our economy.

Whether it’s finding more efficient ways to clean up oil spills or making earlier predictions of catastrophic weather events that can destroy lives and livelihoods, we’re finding innovative solutions for the ever-growing challenges facing our state.

Exploring the depths.

With a sustained focus on environmental research, we can address climate change, conserve our environment, and protect this planet we all call home.